Information on the use of webhooks in the Connect iFrame integration and information on the legacy data format can be found in this separate guide.
Data is transferred in JSON format. There are three different formats available:
This format contains all data in a clearly structured form and is particularly suitable for software developers and integrators.Flat
This is a format with a simplified data structure. It is particularly suitable for further processing in low-code tools.Legacy - (deprecated)
This format corresponds to the format used in CONNECT 2.0.
General Details
Protocol: HTTPS
Text encoding: UTF-8
Transfer method: POST
Note that webhooks require secure HTTPS connections (e.g. ""). You cannot use non-SSL/TLS connection and your server must provide a valid, non-self-signed certificate.
Example Request Data
The following examples show the request body in the available formats:
Structured - Push Company Request Data
Structured - Push Company Request Data
"contact": {
"id": "Y29ubmVjdA",
"salutation": "Herr",
"gender": "male",
"title": "",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"jobTitle": "Geschäftsführer",
"jobTitleEn": "Managing Director",
"departments": {
"management_department": "Unternehmensführung"
"hierarchies": {
"top_management": "Top-Management"
"country": "Deutschland",
"countryCode": "DE",
"location": "Hamburg",
"phone": "+49 721 123456",
"phoneDirect": "+49 721 1234569",
"mobile": "+49 1512 1234567",
"fax": "+49 721 1234567",
"email": "",
"emailStatusKey": "seen",
"emailValidationStatusKey": "valid",
"emailStatusText": "gesehen, validiert",
"socialProfiles": {
"xing": [
"linkedin": [
"furtherSources": [
"companyId": "ZWNob2JvdA",
"companyPhone": "+49 721 123456"
"company": {
"id": "ZWNob2JvdA",
"name": "WebhookTest GmbH",
"description": "Ich bin eine Test-Firma um deine Webhooks zu testen!",
"descriptionEn": "I am a test company to test your webhook implementation!",
"streetNameAndNumber": "Teststraße 1",
"streetName": "Teststraße",
"streetNumber": "1",
"location": "Karlsruhe",
"postalCode": "76131",
"country": "Deutschland",
"countryCode": "DE",
"legalForm": "GmbH",
"registerNumber": "HRB123456",
"registerName": "Mannheim",
"registerTypeText": "Handelsregisternummer",
"registerStatusKey": "consolidated",
"registerStatusText": "Aktiv",
"foundedYear": 1970,
"taxId": "DE123456789",
"email": "",
"phone": "+49 721 123456",
"fax": "+49 721 1234567",
"connectUrl": "",
"website": "",
"domains": [
"employeesNum": 101,
"socialProfiles": {
"xing": [
"youtube": [
"facebook": [
"twitter": [
"linkedin": [
"instagram": [
"shopTechnologies": [],
"webTechnologies": [
"Responsive Website"
"classification": [
"type": "nace",
"code": "01.13",
"divisionText": "Landwirtschaft, Jagd und damit verbundene Tätigkeiten",
"text": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen sowie Wurzeln und Knollen"
"type": "wz",
"code": "01.13.01",
"divisionText": "Landwirtschaft, Jagd und damit verbundene Tätigkeiten",
"classText": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen sowie Wurzeln und Knollen",
"text": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen"
"type": "echobotIndustry",
"code": "eb2_agriculture.farming",
"divisionText": "Landwirtschaft",
"text": "Agrar-Landwirtschaft"
"finRevenueText": "100.000 €",
"finRevenue": 100000,
"finRevenueCurrency": "EUR",
"finRevenueSource": "reported_estimate",
"finRevenueSourceText": "geschätzt",
"finEarnings": 100000,
"finEarningsText": "100.000 €",
"finEarningsCurrency": "EUR",
"finBalanceSheetTotal": 100000,
"finBalanceSheetTotalText": "100.000 €",
"finBalanceSheetTotalCurrency": "EUR",
"finReportingType": "annual",
"finReportingTypeText": "Jahresabschluss",
"finReportingYear": 2020
"meta": {
"customId": "123456",
"userId": ""
Structured - Push Contact / Lead Request Data
Structured - Push Contact / Lead Request Data
"contact": {
"id": "Y29ubmVjdA",
"salutation": "Herr",
"gender": "male",
"title": "",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"jobTitle": "Geschäftsführer",
"jobTitleEn": "Managing Director",
"departments": {
"management_department": "Unternehmensführung"
"hierarchies": {
"top_management": "Top-Management"
"country": "Deutschland",
"countryCode": "DE",
"location": "Hamburg",
"phone": "+49 721 123456",
"phoneDirect": "+49 721 1234569",
"mobile": "+49 1512 1234567",
"fax": "+49 721 1234567",
"email": "",
"emailStatusKey": "seen",
"emailValidationStatusKey": "valid",
"emailStatusText": "gesehen, validiert",
"socialProfiles": {
"xing": [
"linkedin": [
"furtherSources": [
"companyId": "ZWNob2JvdA",
"companyPhone": "+49 721 123456"
"company": {
"id": "ZWNob2JvdA",
"name": "WebhookTest GmbH",
"description": "Ich bin eine Test-Firma um deine Webhooks zu testen!",
"descriptionEn": "I am a test company to test your webhook implementation!",
"streetNameAndNumber": "Teststraße 1",
"streetName": "Teststraße",
"streetNumber": "1",
"location": "Karlsruhe",
"postalCode": "76131",
"country": "Deutschland",
"countryCode": "DE",
"legalForm": "GmbH",
"registerNumber": "HRB123456",
"registerName": "Mannheim",
"registerTypeText": "Handelsregisternummer",
"registerStatusKey": "consolidated",
"registerStatusText": "Aktiv",
"foundedYear": 1970,
"taxId": "DE123456789",
"email": "",
"phone": "+49 721 123456",
"fax": "+49 721 1234567",
"connectUrl": "",
"website": "",
"domains": [
"employeesNum": 101,
"socialProfiles": {
"xing": [
"youtube": [
"facebook": [
"twitter": [
"linkedin": [
"instagram": [
"shopTechnologies": [],
"webTechnologies": [
"Responsive Website"
"classification": [
"type": "nace",
"code": "01.13",
"divisionText": "Landwirtschaft, Jagd und damit verbundene Tätigkeiten",
"text": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen sowie Wurzeln und Knollen"
"type": "wz",
"code": "01.13.01",
"divisionText": "Landwirtschaft, Jagd und damit verbundene Tätigkeiten",
"classText": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen sowie Wurzeln und Knollen",
"text": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen"
"type": "echobotIndustry",
"code": "eb2_agriculture.farming",
"divisionText": "Landwirtschaft",
"text": "Agrar-Landwirtschaft"
"finRevenueText": "100.000 €",
"finRevenue": 100000,
"finRevenueCurrency": "EUR",
"finRevenueSource": "reported_estimate",
"finRevenueSourceText": "geschätzt",
"finEarnings": 100000,
"finEarningsText": "100.000 €",
"finEarningsCurrency": "EUR",
"finBalanceSheetTotal": 100000,
"finBalanceSheetTotalText": "100.000 €",
"finBalanceSheetTotalCurrency": "EUR",
"finReportingType": "annual",
"finReportingTypeText": "Jahresabschluss",
"finReportingYear": 2020
"meta": {
"customId": "123456",
"userId": ""
Flat - Push Company Request Data
Flat - Push Company Request Data
"company": {
"id": "ZWNob2JvdA",
"name": "WebhookTest GmbH",
"description": "Ich bin eine Test-Firma um deine Webhooks zu testen!",
"descriptionEn": "I am a test company to test your webhook implementation!",
"streetNameAndNumber": "Teststraße 1",
"streetName": "Teststraße",
"streetNumber": "1",
"location": "Karlsruhe",
"postalCode": "76131",
"country": "Deutschland",
"countryCode": "DE",
"legalForm": "GmbH",
"registerNumber": "HRB123456",
"registerName": "Mannheim",
"registerTypeText": "Handelsregisternummer",
"registerStatusKey": "consolidated",
"registerStatusText": "Aktiv",
"foundedYear": 2011,
"taxId": "DE123456789",
"email": "",
"phone": "+49 721 123456",
"fax": "+49 721 1234567",
"connectUrl": "",
"website": "",
"domain": "",
"employeesNum": 101,
"xing": "",
"linkedin": "",
"twitter": "",
"facebook": "",
"youtube": "",
"pinterest": "",
"instagram": "",
"shopTechnologies": "",
"webTechnologies": "WordPress, Responsive Website",
"wzCodes": "01.13.01",
"naceDivision": "01",
"naceDivisionText": "Landwirtschaft, Jagd und damit verbundene Tätigkeiten",
"naceClass": "01.13",
"naceClassText": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen sowie Wurzeln und Knollen",
"wzCode": "01.13.01",
"wzCodeText": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen",
"echobotIndustryCodes": "eb2_agriculture.farming",
"echobotIndustryCode": "eb2_agriculture.farming",
"echobotIndustryCodeText": "Agrar-Landwirtschaft",
"industryDivisionText": "Landwirtschaft",
"finRevenueText": "100.000 €",
"finRevenue": 100000,
"finRevenueCurrency": "EUR",
"finRevenueSource": "reported_estimate",
"finRevenueSourceText": "geschätzt",
"finEarnings": 100000,
"finEarningsText": "100.000 €",
"finEarningsCurrency": "EUR",
"finBalanceSheetTotal": 100000,
"finBalanceSheetTotalText": "100.000 €",
"finBalanceSheetTotalCurrency": "EUR",
"finReportingType": "annual",
"finReportingTypeText": "Jahresabschluss",
"finReportingYear": 2020
"meta": {
"customId": "123456",
"userId": ""
Flat – Push Contact Request Data
Flat – Push Contact Request Data
"contact": {
"id": "Y29ubmVjdA",
"salutation": "Herr",
"gender": "male",
"title": "",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"jobTitle": "Geschäftsführer",
"jobTitleEn": "Managing Director",
"departmentKey": "management_department",
"departmentText": "Unternehmensführung",
"departmentsText": "Unternehmensführung",
"hierarchyKey": "top_management",
"hierarchyText": "Top-Management",
"hierarchiesText": "Top-Management",
"country": "Deutschland",
"countryCode": "DE",
"location": "Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg",
"phone": "+49 721 123456",
"phoneDirect": "+49 721 1234569",
"mobile": "+49 1512 1234567",
"fax": "+49 721 1234567",
"email": "",
"emailStatusKey": "seen",
"emailValidationStatusKey": "valid",
"emailStatusText": "",
"socialXing": "",
"socialLinkedin": "",
"furtherSources": "",
"companyId": "ZWNob2JvdA",
"companyPhone": "+49 721 123456"
"company": {
"id": "ZWNob2JvdA",
"name": "WebhookTest GmbH",
"description": "Ich bin eine Test-Firma um deine Webhooks zu testen!",
"descriptionEn": "I am a test company to test your webhook implementation!",
"streetNameAndNumber": "Teststraße 1",
"streetName": "Teststraße",
"streetNumber": "1",
"location": "Karlsruhe",
"postalCode": "76131",
"country": "Deutschland",
"countryCode": "DE",
"legalForm": "GmbH",
"registerNumber": "HRB123456",
"registerName": "Mannheim",
"registerTypeText": "Handelsregisternummer",
"registerStatusKey": "consolidated",
"registerStatusText": "Aktiv",
"foundedYear": 2011,
"taxId": "DE123456789",
"email": "",
"phone": "+49 721 123456",
"fax": "+49 721 1234567",
"connectUrl": "",
"website": "",
"domain": "",
"employeesNum": 101,
"xing": "",
"linkedin": "",
"twitter": "",
"facebook": "",
"youtube": "",
"pinterest": "",
"instagram": "",
"shopTechnologies": "",
"webTechnologies": "WordPress, Responsive Website",
"wzCodes": "01.13.01",
"naceDivision": "01",
"naceDivisionText": "Landwirtschaft, Jagd und damit verbundene Tätigkeiten",
"naceClass": "01.13",
"naceClassText": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen sowie Wurzeln und Knollen",
"wzCode": "01.13.01",
"wzCodeText": "Anbau von Gemüse und Melonen",
"echobotIndustryCodes": "eb2_agriculture.farming",
"echobotIndustryCode": "eb2_agriculture.farming",
"echobotIndustryCodeText": "Agrar-Landwirtschaft",
"industryDivisionText": "Landwirtschaft",
"finRevenueText": "100.000 €",
"finRevenue": 100000,
"finRevenueCurrency": "EUR",
"finRevenueSource": "reported_estimate",
"finRevenueSourceText": "geschätzt",
"finEarnings": 100000,
"finEarningsText": "100.000 €",
"finEarningsCurrency": "EUR",
"finBalanceSheetTotal": 100000,
"finBalanceSheetTotalText": "100.000 €",
"finBalanceSheetTotalCurrency": "EUR",
"finReportingType": "annual",
"finReportingTypeText": "Jahresabschluss",
"finReportingYear": 2020
"meta": {
"customId": "123456",
"userId": ""
Property Types
Text | Echobot GmbH | Text values. |
Phone number | +49 1234 567890 | Phone numbers are provided as text fields formatted as Fully Qualified Telephone Number (FQTN) according to the ITU-T standard E.123 |
Url | | Urls are text fields including the full qualified url including protocol. |
Keys | consolidated | Keys are text fields with a fixed set of possible values. These values will not be translated. Prefer this fields if you plan to build application logic. In many cases the data includes a key as well as a human readable translation. In this cases the key field is typically suffixed "Key" and the human readable property is suffixed "Text". |
Numbers | 1000 | Numbers are always only the number itself without any additional data like currency. The data often includes two variations of the same information: Numeric value and e.g. currency in separate properties and the same combined in one text field. The first option works best if you plan to process the data in your app. The second option allows you to simply write the value in a text field and is formatted according to the selected webhook language. |
The Company Object
It contains the data for a single company. All requests include one company.
id | string | Echobot identifier for this company |
name | string | Full company name |
description | string | Company description. The description is in the language of the country in which the company is based. |
descriptionEn | string | English company description. This is a translation of the original company description. |
streetNameAndNumber | string | Combined street and number where the order depends on the country where the company is based. |
streetName | string | Name of street without number |
streetNumber | string | Address, street number |
location | string | Address, city |
postalCode | string | Address, postal code |
country | string | Name of country in selected webhook data language. |
countryCode | string | ISO country code. |
legalForm | string | Type of company, e.g. "GmbH", "Ltd" |
registerNumber | string | Number of company in the official register. |
registerName | string | Name of the official register where the company is registered. The language is the languages used in this register. |
registerTypeText | string | This is how the registration is named in this register, e.g. in Germany "Handelsregisternummer". |
registerStatusKey | annual | consolidated | Registration status as a key. |
registerStatusText | string | Human readable representation of the registration status in the webhook data language. It also includes the information if a company is advertisement protected (such as some companies in Denmark: |
foundedYear | number | Year when the company was founded, e.g. 1995. |
taxId | string | Tax id / vat id. |
string | Company general email address. Typically info@ or similar. | |
phone | string | Company general phone number |
fax | string | Company fax number |
connectUrl | string, url | Link to connect web app where users can find all information about the company. |
website | string | Company website |
classification |
| Company classification. As time of writing, we support nace code (Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community - Wikipedia), wz codes and an Echobot internal classification. In the structured webhook format, classifications are provided as a list, where each item has
In the flat format, the data structure is simplified and represented by properties on the company object itself. If a company has multiple classifications of the same type, some data is only available for the most relevant classification. Please refer to the examples above for further information. |
finRevenue | number | Revenue of company |
finRevenueCurrency | string | ISO currenty of finRevenue |
finRevenueSource | reported | estimated | Depending on the country and type of company the revenue may be officially reported or estimated. |
finRevenueText | string | Revenue including currency and formatted according to webhook language. |
finEarnings |
| Company earnings, see finRevenue for details on format variations. |
finBalanceSheetTotal |
| Company balance sheet, see finRevenue for details on format variations. |
finReportingType | annual | Reporting type if company publishes reports |
finReportingTypeText | string | Human readable reporting type |
finReportingYear | number | Year of last known reporting. |
The Contact Object
It contains the data for a single contact / employee. This object is available in "sync contact" and "sync lead" requests.
id | string | Echobot id of contact |
salutation | string | Salutation, e.g. "Mr." |
gender | male | female | Similar to salutation but not translated |
firstName | string | Given name |
lastName | string | Surname |
jobTitle | string | Job title as found for this contact. The language is typically the language spoken by this contact or English. |
jobTitleEn | string | English job title, translation from jobTitle |
departments | object | The department(s) of this contact. In structured format, this is an object where the key is a non-translated department identifier and the value is the department name in the webhook data language. The flat format is simplified and includes only the most relevant department as properties on the contact object itself. (See example above) |
hierarchies | object | Hierarchies for this contact. In structured format, this is an object where the key is a non-translated hierarchy identifier and the value is the hierarchy name in the webhook data language. The flat format is simplified and includes only the most relevant hierarchy as properties on the contact object itself. (See example above) |
country | string | Country name |
countryCode | string | ISO country code |
phone, phoneDirect, mobile | string | Contact phone numbers including direct dial and mobile number if known. |
string | Contact email as found in the web or other data sources or calculated based on other contacts of the same company. | |
emailStatusKey | seen | If this email was seen in data sources of if it was calculated |
emailStatusText | string | Human readable summary of emailStatusKey and emailValidationStatusKey in the webhook data language. |
emailValidationStatusKey | valid | Result of email validation check |
socialProfiles |
| Social profiles. In the structured format, this in an object where the key is the key for the social network and the value is a list of profile urls of this contact. In the flat format, this is simplified to properties on the main contact object and it includes only the most relevant profile. |
companyId | string | Echobot company id. This is equal to the id property of the company object. Requests always include the full company object too. |
The Meta Object
It contains additional information not related to company and contacts.
customId | string | An id you can pass in when using the webhook from inside an iframe based CRM integration as reference to the current CRM view. |
userId | string | The email address of the Echobot user who triggered the request. |
Questions, comments, feedback? Please let us know by contacting our support team via live chat or by sending us an email at