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Connect Browser Extension

Find out how to set up the Connect Browser Extension and learn how to Troubleshoot it if it may not be working.

Ruthie Keith avatar
Written by Ruthie Keith
Updated over 11 months ago

The Connect Browser Extension allows you to find relevant companies and contacts in seconds while screening company websites or LinkedIn profiles!

With one click you will not only see the essential information about a company but also recognize contacts & decision-makers incl. publicly available contact options. Sales intelligence directly in your browser!

Please note: This extension has had an upgrade! It’s now accessed from directly within your browser window. On LinkedIn, the side panel will open by default on Profiles and Companies. On all other websites, you can access it by clicking the Dealfront icon on the right-hand side.

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How to Add the Connect Browser Extension

STEP 1: Search for "Dealfront Connect" on the Google Chrome web store or click here.

STEP 2: Click on the Add to Chrome button on the right.

STEP 3: Click on the Add Extension button.

STEP 4: You will automatically get taken to LinkedIn and receive a notification that the extension has been added to your browser.

STEP 5: Choose whether to enable the Dealfront Connect extension on all websites or just LinkedIn in the browser or in the settings.

If you choose to do it from the settings, you will need to click the Dealfront icon on the right-hand side and then select the cog symbol.

Please note: If you want the extension to be enabled on all websites then you will need to select allow on the permission pop-up. If you do not see the pop-up appear please refer to our troubleshooting guide further down in this article.

Please note: Selecting all websites does not actually mean it will be enabled for all websites. Only company websites that start with www. will be included. Websites that start with app. or banking websites will not be included.

STEP 6: You have the option to exclude domains from the browser.

This action can also be performed in the application settings. To execute this step make sure you are viewing the domain that you want to exclude. You will select the Dealfront icon on the right-hand side of the page.

Select the cog symbol as shown below and then select exclude.

Once you select exclude you will see a green pop-up appear in the top right corner of the page informing you that the domain has been excluded and you will need to refresh the page to apply the rules.

You have the option to enable the domain again. This can be done from the browser and the settings. You will select enable and you will need to refresh the page to apply the rules.

The image below is an example of selecting enable from the browser.

If you want to perform this action from the settings you will need to open a new domain that you are still including. This is necessary because when you exclude a domain the Dealfront icon on the right-hand side disappears and you won't be able to access the settings dialog anymore.

In the image below you can see we are now viewing a new domain that is being included. You will select the Dealfront icon on the right-hand side of the page.

You will then select the cog symbol as shown below and lastly you will select edit exclusions.

Once edit exclusions is selected you have the option to manage your exclusions list. You can select the X icon to remove the domain from the exclusion list. Make sure to refresh the page again to apply the rules.

STEP 7: You’re all done! It’s time to start uncovering deep data about Companies and Contacts of interest with the Connect Browser extension.

Troubleshooting the Connect Browser Extension

If the Connect Browser Extension doesn’t seem to be working, it may be caused by one of the reasons below:

  • Permissions pop-up: This is referring to STEP 5 in the set up process above. When selecting to turn on the extension on all websites you will receive a permission pop-up and you will need to select allow.

    You may encounter that you do not see this pop-up. If you have more than one Chrome Window open, the permission pop-up may appear in one of the other windows. We suggest only having one window open when adding this extension to avoid this from happening. Otherwise, if you have more than one window open and did not receive the permission pop-up then please check for it in the other windows.

  • If you don’t see the Dealfront icon on the right-hand side of your screen: If you have excluded a website from the Connect Browser Extension and want to include it again you will need to refresh the page otherwise you may not see the Dealfront icon on the right-hand side of your screen. Therefore, when you change the visibility you have to reload the current page to apply the new settings.

  • Make sure you are not blocking third-party cookies: The Connect Browser Extension will not work if you have Block third-party cookies selected in your Chrome Settings. It will work if you select Allow third-party cookies and also if you have Block third-party cookies in incognito mode selected.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Connect Browser Extension work with Microsoft Edge?

The Connect Browser Extension works with Microsoft Edge, but it is not officially supported. Go to the Google Chrome web store and install it from there. It will pop-up a dialog to permit 3rd party store.

Do I need to be logged in to use the Connect Browser Extension?

Yes, you will need to be logged into the Dealfront app in order to use the Connect Browser Extension. If you are not logged in at Dealfront you can still change the extension settings in the pop-up window.


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