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Integrate Dynamics 365 with Dealfront

How to Integrate Dynamics 365 with Dealfront

Helena Hrubesova avatar
Written by Helena Hrubesova
Updated over a month ago

Please note: The parts of this article that refer to Leadfeeder and also Visit Activity are only applicable to accounts with a Leadfeeder subscription.

Dealfront and Your CRM Data

By integrating Dynamics 365 with Dealfront, you can choose to push the Dealfront data we have about each connected company or contact directly into your CRM.

Your CRM data is your proprietary information. You have complete control over your Dynamics 365 integration setup and can select automatic or manual connection.


To connect to Dynamics 365 CRM you need to have the following privileges for the Dynamics account: admin privileges or at least read, write, update, append, append to, and the user who will do the integration should not be limited by any field or record security or validation rule.

Please note: Currently Dealfront integrates with the Online version of Dynamics only. We do not integrate with the On-Premise version.

If you are unable to use our native integration you do have the option of a Zapier-Dynamics integration. Zapier integration is only one way, sending newly identified companies from Dealfront to your Dynamics account.


STEP 1: In your Settings, choose the Dealfront account you want to connect to your Dynamics 365 account and navigate to the Integrations section within Account.

STEP 2: You will be taken to our Dynamics integrations page, which should look like the following page. Click on Install app:

STEP 3: Once you click Install app, you will be taken to the following page in your CRM Dynamics! Please select your Dynamics as environment and agree with the Microsoft's Legal Terms and Privacy Statement as per screenshot:

STEP 4: Then follow the steps in the Dealfront Integrations' page and select Connect:

Once you click connect, you will be taken to the following page!


Please note: The Configuration section below is only applicable for accounts that have a Leadfeeder subscription or Platform subscription (Leadfeeder + Target). Target only subscriptions should not go through that process.

Once you have connected your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM account to Dealfront, it's time to configure it a bit. The configuration is really easy and it allows you to see all the information Dealfront sends to your Dynamics 365 account.

Accounts and Leads

1: Dealfront's integration introduces two new fields for Accounts and Leads: View in Dealfront and Latest Dealfront Visit.

Go to any Advanced Settings, then choose Customizations and Customize the system.

After that, select Tables > Account > Forms. Choose here the form you would like to edit (most probably the one that is the Main one).

2: From here you will click the object you want to customize - eg. Account/Main. In the search look for Latest Dealfront Visit and View in Dealfront. Drag and drop each field and add them to the "New Account" choosing the position of those fields there.

Save and publish!

Once you have published all your changes and saved and closed the form editor, you will see the fields in their new location.

Repeat for Leads:

3: Optionally add Dealfront visits table to Account or Lead forms. Go to any Account or Lead and choose a Subgrid. Then select a subgrid view. You can also add a checkbox.

Don’t forget to publish and save the changes once done with the details.

You can see the Leadfeeder visits under Accounts and Leads if you added them to both as described above:

When you click through to the 'Leadfeeder visits' tab you will see more detailed information about each visit, including the visit time and date, campaign name (if applicable), duration, keyword, landing page, medium, number of pageviews, referrer, source, create date.

Customize the Information Sent to Dynamics 365

You can customize what information is sent from Dealfront to Dynamics 365 when creating various entities. Find out more about this in our article on customizing the information sent to your CRM.

New Company Profile View for Dynamics 365 CRM Integration

If you're using Target with Dynamics 365 CRM integration, you have access to our new iFrame integration (aka new company profile view) already. You have to enable the new company profile view by following the instructions given in this article.

This new iFrame provides you with a detailed company data through the updated Company Profile. With improved company and contact enrichment capabilities, the new company profile view leverages the value you get from your existing Dynamics 365 CRM integration. It's easy to setup and reduces any configuration friction.

Learn more about the new Company Profile view and how to set it up in Dynamics 365 here.


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