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Integrate Zapier with Dealfront

Learn how to start using Zapier with Dealfront.

Tamar avatar
Written by Tamar
Updated over 9 months ago

Zapier allows you to integrate web applications and automate workflows.

To start creating Zaps with your Dealfront you first need to get your personal Zapier token.

If you are more interested in knowing how to build the Zaps, please take a look at this article.

STEP 1: Log in to Dealfront. If you don't have a Dealfront account, sign up here.

STEP 2: Navigate to your Account settings by clicking on the gear ⚙️ icon at the top right of the app.

STEP 3: Select Overview under the Integrations heading. You will see all the integrations available to you. Click Zapier (under the Automation sub-heading).

STEP 4: You first need to click Enable Zapier integration.

On the next screen, click Enable

STEP 5: You will now be able to click View Zapier API token on the right of the screen.

STEP 6: You can now go to Zapier to start building Zaps!

STEP 7: Check out this article next to starting using Zapier with Dealfront.


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