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What Data Can be Sent to Pipedrive After Integration?
What Data Can be Sent to Pipedrive After Integration?

Find out what information Dealfront is able to send to Pipedrive and what is matched (synced) between the two.

Tamar Keenan avatar
Written by Tamar Keenan
Updated over a week ago

Connecting an identified company in Leadfeeder to an existing organisation (or new organisation) in Pipedrive means that whenever that company re-visits your website the details of their visit will show up in Pipedrive automatically.

The screen shot below shows how Dealfront automatically creates a note in Pipedrive after a company re-visits your website. Dealfront will automatically create a note in Pipedrive with all the identified company's historical visits after the user initially connects it to Pipedrive (this is optional, find out more here).

If you have a deal for that organisation you will automatically see the visit note in both deal and organisation.

When you integrate Pipedrive with Dealfront you have a number of different options regarding default fields and customisations for your Pipedrive account. Detailed instructions on how to set up your integration are available here.

The lists below give the data points that you have available for these customisations and syncs but make sure to go through the other resources to get a full view of this powerful integration!

Please note: Dealfront syncs data from your CRM once a day.

We can send the following elements to Pipedrive:

  • Visit information in 'note'

  • General keywords NOT actual search terms, as ‘note’

  • Organisation Name

  • Link to Leadfeeder

  • Customisation:

    • Send visits for manually/automatically connected identified companies

    • Send company comments

    • Set default Pipeline stage, deal name

Please note: Visits are not sent to Pipedrive Leads, but they are sent to the linked Organisation as Notes (if there indeed is a linked Organisation).

Syncable Entities

These are the records that are allowed to be synced between Pipedrive and Dealfront. Activities are dependent on leads and opportunities.

  • Contacts

  • Leads

  • Activities

  • Deals

The mappings of fields that will be synchronised with Pipedrive entities can be adjusted. You can even configure new mappings with custom Pipedrive fields.


When setting up a feed automation that sends identified companies to Pipedrive, you have the ability to configure how they are sent. You can read more about the automation here. The fields below are the options and fields available to send to Pipedrive.

Please note: Create Deal and Create Activity only apply to Dealfront companies that are already connected to existing Pipedrive organisations.

  • Create Organisation

    • Owner

  • Create Deal

    • Owner

    • Name

    • Pipeline Stage

  • Create Activity

    • Owner

    • Subject

    • Days to set due date

  • Create Lead

    • Title

    • Owner

    • Organization

Manual Connections

When sending companies manually to Pipedrive you have the ability to configure them. You can read more about manual connections here. The fields below are the options and fields available to send to Pipedrive.

  • Create a new organisation in Pipedrive

    • Owner

    • Name

  • Connect to an existing organisation

  • Create new lead in Pipedrive (note that at least one of Organisation or Contact is required)

    • Title

    • Owner

    • Organization

    • Contact

  • Connect to an existing Pipedrive lead

  • New visits are sent automatically

  • Send existing visits as a note to Pipedrive

  • Send existing Dealfront company comments as a note to Pipedrive

Once identified companies are connected to Pipedrive Organisations, you have the ability to create:

  • Activities

    • Owner

    • Title

    • Deal

    • Due date

  • Deals

    • Owner

    • Name/Title

    • Pipeline Stage

  • Leads

    • Title

    • Owner

    • Organization

    • Contact

When a Dealfront account is integrated with Pipedrive for 'organisations' we add the following custom fields:

  • View in Leadfeeder: Link to identified company in Leadfeeder by Dealfront

  • Latest visit: Latest visit's timestamp

When a Dealfront account is integrated with Pipedrive for 'deals' we add the following custom fields:

  • View organisation in Leadfeeder: Link to identified company in Leadfeeder by Dealfront

  • Latest organisation visit: latest visit's timestamp

Please note: Leadfeeder identified companies cannot be connected with Pipedrive contacts only. The identified company always has to be connected to a Pipedrive lead or organisation.


Questions, comments, feedback? Please let us know by contacting our support team via the chat or by sending us an email at


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