Setting a Goal enables you to measure and weigh the intent of each identified company by identifying specific actions performed by your visitors.
From time to time our users ask if it’s possible to see if an identified company has visited a specific URL. We’re happy to say that it is possible!
The Goals feature allows you to see easily if a visitor has performed a specific action on your website, like in the example above. When you have a defined goal in your Dealfront settings, the goal completion would look like this in the company details section:
When you hover over the question mark, you will see the names of the goals that were reached, followed by number of events of each goal. e.g. Pricing Page Visits (2). Once a goal is added, all new visits that qualify the goal condition will be marked with the goal icon.
If there are no goals added in the account, there will be an 'Add' link to add goals.
Goal types
Specific page visits
Form fills
File downloads
Video plays
Create a Custom Feed for your Goals
Filter leads where a specific goal was reached by using the 'is' operator
Exclude leads where a specific goal was reached by using the 'is not' operator
Here's how to use Goals:
STEP 1: Navigate to your User settings from top right corner of the Dealfront menu bar
STEP 2: Click on the Account tab and then select Goals under the Leadfeeder heading. Click Add new goal.
STEP 3: In the following view, name the goal and choose an icon that will be visible in your timeline next to the Goal. All Dealfront users can see the goal, so it’s important to name the goal something that everyone understands.
STEP 4: Next define the Condition for the goal. Conditions can be either: File download, Form fill, Page title, Page URL, Video play or Video title.
Once the condition is set, click Save.
Please note: Goals aren’t retroactive and will highlight only visits that have happened after you have set up the goal.
Once you have added a goal, you can manage them in your Dealfront settings: activate, disable, edit, delete and create new goals!
Questions, comments, feedback? Please let us know by contacting our support team via the chat or by sending us an email at