Within Leadfeeder you can export your feed as a CSV very quickly and easily. You can choose which feed you want to see in your report and what time range. You can also select whether to export company details or visit details.
STEP 1: Choose which feed you want to use e.g. All companies or create a new custom feed by clicking Create custom feed and choose that one after you're done. The chosen custom feed will be highlighted in darker blue.
STEP 2: Select a time range for your feed report e.g. Last 7 days.
STEP 3: Once you've done that then all you need to do is click the Export companies button.
The following pop-up will appear. Email the spreadsheet to yourself or anyone else on your team. You can either choose to export details of Companies or Visits. You can also choose to export to a standard CSV, to Excel or in LinkedIn Campaigns (matched audiences, only exports companies not visits) format.
If you choose CSV, you can also customise your column separator if desired, comma, semicolon, and tab spaces are supported. If there are issues with your export format, choosing a new separator may resolve them.
STEP 4: Go to your email and you will find an email from Dealfront. By clicking on the link your report will be downloaded as a CSV file. Then just open the report with the program of your choice.
Please note:
If the file looks messy in Excel or Google Sheets, please switch the "CSV column separator" in STEP 3.
The export feature does have a limit of 10k records.
Troubleshooting your .csv feed report download
Does your excel file look like a mess when opening a .csv file of your Leadfeeder feed report?
For some Excel users (especially with European Settings), Excel does not recognise "comma" as a separator.
To resolve this, you should open the .csv file in an empty worksheet:
Open a new empty Excel worksheet
Click on File -> Import
Choose the .csv file you want
Select "comma" as a separator on the import menu.
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