Throughout the Dealfront platform and within the individual apps, certain actions trigger change of the credit balance. We have detailed how credits are spent below.
We estimate the amount of credits needed per company, together with our clients. The factors that influence this are the leadflow that a company would like to generate throughout a year or month, or the number of companies visiting the client’s website identified during a trial. If you need more credits to reveal contact details and move the data from the Dealfront platform to other systems, you can upgrade with an additional credits package.
A few facts about the credits you should know as a rule of thumb:
Credits are account wide and shared by all users
Revealed contact details stay revealed for one year
Credits renew at the end of the billing period
In general, one credit is required for each of the following actions:
Reveal contact data of prospects
Export or sync to CRM
Quick Links:
View Your Credit Total
You can find the amount of credits spent and currently available to you by clicking the user icon at the top right of the screen, as illustrated below. The credit total is refreshed according to the terms of your contract.
Credit Transaction Log
The credit transactions log lets you understand how credits have been spent or refunded across your account.
If you have Billing Company Access Rights you can view your credit transaction log by navigating to Settings > Account > Billing - Credit Transactions
A transaction may include one or multiple credits, e.g. an export of 100 companies from Target will consume 100 credits and show up as one transaction
You can filter by time and sort by date, user, and number of credits
The list also include refunds. A refund means we've added credits back to your credit balance
Credit Usage by Product
Discover the details of each product's credit usage below.
Reveal Contact Details:
Description: See all available data for one contact including the data to contact this person
Credit Usage: 1 credit for each contact we are able to reveal. Credits are refunded if no contact information (phone number or email address) have been found, but will be charged in the beginning.
Export Company Data:
Description: Export company as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: none
Push Company to External System:
Description: Create/update the company in an external system via CRM integrations, Zapier, Webhooks, etc.
Credit Usage: none
Push Contact to External System:
Description: Create/update the contact in an external system via CRM integrations, Zapier, Webhooks, etc
Credit Usage: none
Identify a Company (only for 2023 Basic, Premium and Pro Plans):
Description: Identify companies that are visiting the website/s you have chosen to track.
Credit Usage: 1 credit per company based on a monthly average calculated on the first day of each month of your billing period (not the calendar month). Deductions from your credit total will occur monthly at least 30 days after the tracker is first installed. To stop Leadfeeder from using credits you will need to disable tracking by using traffic filters or removing the tracker.
Export Company Data:
Description: Export company as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 1 credit per company (row)
Export Contact Data
Description: Export contact as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 1 credit per contact (row)
Note: Revealing contact details outside your geo pack is not possible.
Target Basic
Reveal Contact Details:
Description: See all available data for one contact including the data to contact this person
Credit Usage: 1 credit for each contact we are able to reveal. Credits are refunded if no contact information (phone number or email address) have been found, but will be charged in the beginning.
Export Contact Data of revealed contacts:
Description: Export contact as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: none
Export Contact Data of unrevealed contacts:
Description: Export contact as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 1 credit per contact (row)
Push Company to External System/Export as CSV:
Description: Create/update the company in an external system via CRM integrations, Zapier, Webhooks, etc, or export as CSV.
Credit Usage: 1 credit per 1 companies
Push Contact to External System:
Description: Create/update the contact in an external system via CRM integrations, Zapier, Webhooks, etc
Credit Usage: 1 credit per contact
Export Company Data:
Description: Export company as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 1 credit per company
Export Contact Data:
Description: Export contact as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 1 credit per contact (row)
Note: Revealing contact details outside your geo pack is not possible.
Export Company Data:
Description: Export company as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 1 credit per company (row)
Export Contact Data of Revealed Contacts:
Description: Export contact as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 1 credit per contact (row)
Export Contact Data of Unrevealed Contacts:
Description: Export contact as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 2 credits per contact (row)
Note: Contacts will be auto-reveal in your download.
Export Contact Data of Revealed Contacts:
Description: Export contact as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 1 credit per contact (row)
Export Contact Data of Unrevealed Contacts:
Description: Export contact as CSV, XML, Excel file
Credit Usage: 2 credits per contact (row)
Note: Contacts will be auto-reveal in your download.
Push Company to External System from Lists:
Description: Create/update the company in an external system via CRM integrations, Zapier, Webhooks, etc.
Credit Usage: 1 credit per company
Push Contact to External System from Lists:
Description: Create/update the contact in an external system via CRM integrations, Zapier, Webhooks, etc
Credit Usage: 1 credit per contact
Monthly vs Annual Plans
Annual Plan / Annual Plan with monthly or quarterly payment: If you're on an annual plan you will receive access to your entire credit quota on day one.
Monthly Plan: All our plans are quoted on an annual credit allowance basis. If you're on a monthly plan, each month you will receive the number of credits quoted on your plan, divided by 12 (rounded to the next highest number). For example, on a 500 credit plan you would receive 42 credits per month to use - these can't be rolled over from month to month.
Questions, comments, feedback? Please let us know by contacting our support team via the chat or by sending us an email at