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Using Promote for Display Advertising
Using Promote for Display Advertising

Find out how Promote can help you reach your ideal customers with programmatic display ads.

Tamar Keenan avatar
Written by Tamar Keenan
Updated over a week ago

Promote is the custom-built display advertising tool from Dealfront, available to all users. In this article we'll explain how Promote can help you reach your ideal customers with programmatic display ads.

B2B Display Advertising

Most display ad platforms are built for the B2C market, with minimal B2B targeting options. B2C platforms enable you to target based on age/gender/location/etc, but a lot of this data isn't relevant to B2B advertisers.

What if you could target the exact companies you want to reach with ads that appear only to them, without wasting money on low value impressions?

That's where Promote comes in! You can create highly targeted brand or product awareness campaigns with precision. You pick the companies you want to show your ads to, we show them!* Such specific targeting can both improve the efficiency of your ads, and reduce wasted ad spend. How? By only displaying the ads to those users you want to see them!

*It's simple, but not quite that simple - we do have to hold the company data in our database!

Promote and the Dealfront Platform

Using the Dealfront platform tools you can build a target list based on company, industry, size and other firmographic data. These could be companies who you know through Leadfeeder have already visited your website, so you can use your ads to push them further down the funnel towards conversion.

Through Promote you can then target these specific companies’ IP addresses, serving them with programmatic display ads that appear whilst they are working, even if their employees work remotely!

For a step by step guide on how to use the Dealfront platform tools to support your advertising efforts, our B2B Advertising Use Case article goes into detail on how you can create campaigns that capture real demand.

If you'd like to know more about the ins and outs of how Promote works, we have a detailed set of Frequently Asked Questions on our Promote webpage.

Say goodbye to low quality leads and start streamlining your B2B marketing today! Get started with Promote here.


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