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CRM Integration FAQs

Having trouble with your CRM? Or have CRM related questions? Check out our FAQs!

Paul Faure avatar
Written by Paul Faure
Updated over 5 months ago

Q: How does Dealfront match identified companies in Leadfeeder to CRM entities?

A: We match companies identified in Leadfeeder with CRM entities, like organizations and companies, based on the name and website address (domain or subdomain). We use the name of the company that is stored in our database, but if you have renamed a company, we use the name that is visible in your account to match that company.

Q: Why isn't Dealfront finding this company to match within my CRM, I know it's there.

A: Try using the search to help find the company in your CRM. Sometimes an entry may be made using a shortened name, main contact name, or even just misspelt! We won't match automatically unless we are sure.

Alternatively, is the entry in your CRM brand new? At times the sync between Dealfront and your CRM may not be as fast as you. If you have Dealfront Admin permissions, you can 're-sync' your CRM from within the Dealfront CRM settings. This can take minutes or hours, depending on the amount of information in your CRM, occasionally waiting it out is just as effective.

Q: Why isn't Dealfront finding the right person I want to assign to the identified company?

A: Has the user been invited to Dealfront and accepted the invitation? If so and they still aren't showing up in the dropdown, try refreshing your cache.

Alternatively, is the user you are assigning to new? It may be a similar issue as above and you are faster than the sync! If you have Dealront Admin permissions you can 're-sync' your CRM from within the Dealfront CRM settings. This can take minutes or hours depending on the amount of information in your CRM. If you do re-sync don't forget to refresh the next time you are looking!

Q: I set up automation in Leadfeeder on my custom feeds to send to my CRM, why didn't it send the ones I already had?

A: Automations such as 'send to CRM', are triggered when a company is first identified by Dealfront. We don’t retroactively sync CRM data from Dealfront to your CRM. You will need to send any that came in before you set up your automations manually, but from the time you set them up, you will see the automation apply!

Q: Can I connect with multiple CRMs or CRM accounts?

A: No, we can only support one CRM per Dealfront account. However, you may find options to connect another with our Zapier integration if needed.

Q: Where are all of the page visits in my CRM? I have it set up to send them.

A: In many CRMs, there are multiple levels related to accounts or leads. We don't send visit data to every level. Visit details will typically appear in the 'Notes' section of some CRMs and on the 'Account' level of others, such as Salesforce. Visits are not shared with every lead, activity, or opportunity.

Q: Where do I set up an alert for every visit in my CRM?

A: While you can set up a number of different automations and notifications in Dealfront, we can't send an alert to you or your CRM for every visit. The page visits are sent in batches and not in real-time. 

Q: How often do you send visits to my CRM?

A: For already connected identified companies, visits update once a day, around 6 AM on your account's timezone.

Q: When will my identified company visits show in my CRM?

A: From the time we registered and processed the visit, it will usually take about an hour for a visit to appear in your CRM, if the visit happened during an account's working hours (6AM-6PM account local time, or UTC if timezone not specified). If the visit happens outside these working hours, it will wait until the morning and send it then. A good rule would be to expect the visits the next day!

Q: How often are identified companies matched with my CRM?

A: Company matching occurs during the same process as general CRM data sync, so once a day, as well as within 10 minutes when new identified companies appear. It can be forced by initiating a manual sync if you need the information sooner, however, these syncs can take minutes to hours.

Q: Why is Dealfront creating duplicates in my CRM?

A: When using automation to create opportunities, accounts, or leads, each Dealfront company identified in the custom feed will prompt the chosen automation. This means that if one company is shown several times due to multiple locations, the automation will create these as unique opportunities, accounts, or leads. Different locations are seen as unique companies by Dealfront, but may appear as duplicates in your CRM. 

Duplicates may also be created in the case of having automations set in feeds where a single company meets the criteria for several feeds. For example, if a custom feed looks for companies in the US and a separate custom feed looks for companies in the print industry, a company that visits and is in the US and the print industry may appear in BOTH custom feeds. If automations are set up for BOTH of those feeds a duplicate may be created in your CRM.

Q: I have Zoho but my domain is not .com, .eu, .in and, how do I add another?

A: Our Zoho integration can only work with .com, .eu, .in and domains at the moment. You can try to connect via Zapier if that is an option for you. You can also suggest your domain on our feature request portal.

Q: My Zoho integration seems broken

A: Zoho is dropping support for their v1 API (see announcement here). If you are using V1 you will need to update your Zoho integration to use their v2 API, otherwise your integration will stop working on December 31, 2019. Updating is easy, you just need to go to your Zoho integration settings page in Dealfront, click on Reconnect, and follow the instructions on the screen.

Q: Why can't I remove the integration in Dealfront?

A: Once you have clicked Remove in your integration settings the removal begins to process. Depending on the size of the integration (number of linked accounts etc) the full removal could take minutes or hours.

If you do not see the integration removed within 24 hours please contact support via live chat or by sending an email to

Q: Is Dealfront listed as a source when a record is transferred?

A: In the settings under Sync Settings there is the option to enter Dealfront in a custom field that can be configured in the open field mapping.

Q: Will it be possible to create automations e.g. if a company’s information (address etc) changes, this could create a ping to CRM?

A: As mentioned, enrichment is not yet supported. Only new company/contact data records can be created based on data that is available in Dealfront. It is highly likely that the enrichment functionality will follow very soon. Stay tuned.

Q: Who is the account owner in the CRM by default?

A: When the integration is activated, we automatically recognize the users from the CRM and assign them to the corresponding Dealfront user.

This mapping can be found under Settings > Account > Integrations > <CRM> > User Mapping (screenshot 👇).

If the association exists, the associated owner is set by default for the currently logged in Dealfront user. Users can change this depending on their needs.

If there is no mapping, the first user recognized by the CRM system is suggested as the owner.

Q: If a record is changed - e.g. manually the company name in the CRM or due to a name change Dealfront finds an updated name - does this have an impact on the matching?

A: No, it has no effect. An existing matching will not be changed. It is planned that manual checks and adjustments will be made in the future. Should Dealfront have one name update, if you make a note about a register entry, it will be displayed in the platform.

Q: How often is the data updated so that it appears on the CRM list?

A: Every 24 hours

Q: Can individual requests be submitted for special adjustments regarding integration in the CRM?

A: If we are unable to implement requests directly due to special CRM settings and rules, we will be happy to record them and forward them to our product team.

Q: Is it GDPR compliant to push contact data records to CRM?

A: Yes. Dealfront process any personal data shared with us via the CRM integration as a data processor in line with our data processing agreement (DPA) and the requirements of Article 28 GDPR. Our DPA is based on the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) published by the European Commission, thus it is very fair and does not contain any surprising clauses. No personal data is shared with other Dealfront users.

Q: Which data is prioritized (Dealfront data or data in the customer CRM system)?

A: Data enrichment is not possible for existing companies in the CRM system. To avoid duplicates, it is currently only possible to add data records that do not yet exist in the CRM system.

Q: Based on which data points are the companies matched between our systems & client CRM?

A: The matching process between Dealfront and CRM is executed for both companies and contacts.

  • CRM Companies

    • Company name

    • Website url

    • City

    • Country

    • Zip code

  • CRM Contacts / CRM Leads

    • Name

    • Email address

Q: How many credits will be deducted from credits being synced to CRM?

The integration itself is free of charge.

Each data record transfer (e.g. 1 company) from our platform to the CRM

system costs 1 credit. If you re-push the record within the following 12 months, no additional credits will be deducted.

Q: Is it possible to prevent data from being sent?

A: Yes in the settings there is the option to e.g. disable the data push for contacts 👇

Q: Is it possible to manually edit matches to link or unlink CRM records?

It is possible to remove a connection in Target 👇


Questions, comments, feedback? Please let us know by contacting our support team via the chat or by sending us an email at


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