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Quick Start Tips by Use Case

Super quick tips to get you started with Dealfront depending on your use case.

Tamar Keenan avatar
Written by Tamar Keenan
Updated over a week ago

We’ve put together some ‘quick start tips’ based on specific use cases. These are just a few of many examples which highlight the different ways the Dealfront solutions can be used as part of your sales and marketing workflows.

Of course every business is different, so please treat this information as the first step towards refining and customising your setup. You might take away one or two tips, or actively apply all of the advice - do whatever works best for you!

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The Web Visitors Identification Solution

For each use case you need to have the Leadfeeder tracker successfully installed on your website. If you need help with this, please take a look at Installing the Leadfeeder Tracker.

Many of the tips for the Web Visitors Identification solution use our Custom Feeds feature. If you're not familiar with this, get started with our Introduction to Custom Feeds article.

As part of your workflow development, always start with a clear plan in mind as to how any identified activity will be dealt with by your team. You can add different automation to individual custom feeds to ensure the correct team member is always notified at the right time.

Sales: Prospecting, Pitching, Upsell and Cross Sell

The below examples work best with CRM integration, but filtering via a list can often be done as an alternative.

  • ✅ Set up a Custom Feed for Identified Companies Not in CRM (CRM integration required)
    📌 Pro Tip: Use Tags to immediately highlight these site visitors as new prospects

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds per Sales Rep by Open Deals
    📌 Pro Tip: Apply automation to these feeds to notify the Sales Rep of new activity

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds per Sales Rep by Lost Deals
    📌 Pro Tip: A deal might be lost but it doesn't mean a new deal can't be won 😉

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for site behaviours e.g. Page URL/Video Play/File Download
    📌 Pro Tip: The aim here is to identify interest in certain products or service

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for new industries outside of your ideal customer profile (ICP)
    📌 Pro Tip: Visitors from different industries could enable you to expand into new markets

  • ✅ Set up Custom feeds per product/service page, also filtered for existing customers
    📌 Pro Tip: Look for upsell/cross sell opportunities and reasons to reach out

  • ✅ Integrate with Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign and set up a Custom Feed to track email campaign activity for your subscribers who are also existing customers
    📌 Pro Tip: This can help identify cross sell or upsell opportunities if existing customers click through to products or service they don't currently purchase

Marketing: Lead Generation, Analytics, Customer Journey, Retargeting

  • ✅ Set up a Custom Feed for Lost or Open Deals (CRM integration or list upload required)

    📌 Pro Tip: Retarget these opportunities who appear to still be interested in your product or service

  • ✅ Set up a Custom Feeds for your Prospect wishlist (you can import this as a list)
    📌 Pro Tip: You can track what they’re most interested in on your website and plan ABM campaigns accordingly

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for your email campaigns (requires Mailchimp or Active Campaign integration)
    📌 Pro Tip: Follow the customer journeys from campaign click to website activity - which look like the most qualified leads?

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds to gather behavioural data e.g. filter by a new product landing page or new white paper release
    📌 Pro Tip: Use this information to identify hot prospects to be passed to sales

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for your product/service pages, filtering by source/medium

    📌 Pro Tip: You can use this information to see where your most valuable identified companies are coming to your website from

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for your paid media campaigns

    📌 Pro Tip: Use this information to help inform where to increase or decrease your spend

  • ✅ Integrate with Looker Studio for detailed reporting

    📌 Pro Tip: Use the Leadfeeder template to make easy-to-read reports in minutes

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for your trackable content (file downloads for white papers or case studies, or video plays)

    📌 Pro Tip: Use this information to inform your future activities, what should you develop more of, what isn’t popular?

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for your conversion pages

    📌 Pro Tip: Can you see what differs in the journey of a converter and non-converter? How many touchpoint are there before conversion?

  • ✅ Import a list of companies recently contacted as part of a prospecting campaign. Set up a Custom Feed for this list

    📌 Pro Tip: You'll be able to follow and analyse the behaviour of companies who have reacted to your campaign


These examples apply best to internal/in-house recruiters.

  • ✅ Set up a Custom Feed for your main ‘jobs’ page for overall visibility

  • ✅ Set up a Custom Feed per individual role

    📌 Pro Tip: Automate daily notifications about identified visitors to the team or team member responsible for hiring for this role

  • ✅ Set up a Custom Feed tracking competitor activity on your website (you can upload a list of competitors to track)
    📌 Pro Tip: You might be able to head-hunt a top candidate from a competitor

Customer Success

The below examples work best with CRM integration, but filtering via a list can often be done as an alternative.

  • ✅ Set up a Custom Feed per CSM
    📌 Pro Tip: This enables each team member to track their own accounts' activities and take action fast

  • ✅ Set up a Custom Feed for risky behaviours (e.g. visiting ‘how to cancel’ help center article or ‘terms and conditions’ webpage)
    📌 Pro Tip: Look for any indicators that a customer may be considering leaving you

  • ✅ Set up a Custom Feed to identify churned customers
    📌 Pro Tip: You’re looking for potential winback opportunities. Why might they be back on your site if they've already stopped using your product or cancelled your service?

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds per product or service, also filtered by existing customers
    📌 Pro Tip: Look for upsell/cross sell opportunities and reasons to reach out

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for specific webinars or campaign pages, also filtered by existing customers
    📌 Pro Tip: Use this knowledge of what's attracted or interested them as outreach/follow up material

Competitor Analysis

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for your competitors, plus different site behaviours e.g. Page URL/Video Play/File Download

  • ✅ Set up Custom Feeds for your competitors and webinar or campaign pages

    📌 Pro Tip:In both instances you’re trying to find out what your competitors are hoping to learn from your website: are they using you as a source of knowledge in certain areas, 'borrowing' campaign ideas, or curious about your suppliers or case study customers. You may identify areas where they are weaker than you and can take advantage of this in your marketing.

The Sales Intelligence Solution

Many of the tips for the Sales Intelligence solution use our Connect Alert feature. If you're not familiar with this, get started with our How to Set Up a Connect Alert article.

As part of your workflow development, always start with a clear plan in mind as to how any activity will be dealt with by your team. You can add different alerts to news and signals in Connect to ensure you always get the right information at the right time.

Sales: Expansion to New Markets, Prospecting/Outreach, Qualification

  • ✅ Refine a list of your best customers, use the Dealfront AI Tools to perform a cluster analysis and identify similar companies

    📌 Pro Tip: Experiment with the sliding scale of 'very similar' to 'less similar' depending on how niche your market and sales process is

  • ✅ Use the 'Similar Companies' filter in Target to search for companies similar to your chosen examples
    📌 Pro Tip: Apply multiple filters if you want a more refined list. If you filter by industry, use NACE codes (where relevant) to be as specific as possible

  • ✅ In Target, create a folder or list for each salesperson for their own target companies and check for overlaps
    📌 Pro Tip: To avoid multiple sales colleagues working on the same accounts, filter any duplicate companies into a different list to be reassigned using the the Company List filter and the 'only consider intersection' option

  • ✅ Save companies newly identified in Target to a List to be able to further filter this list or open the companies in Connect
    📌 Pro Tip: Saved searches contain dynamic results, saved lists contain static results. To get the best quality contact results in Target, use the Profile Completeness filter to choose which data points need to be there

  • ✅ Set up a Connect Alert looking for relevant Signals at companies in your newly identified market/prospective companies
    📌 Pro Tip: If you have limited outreach resources, filter this list down to only the hottest prospects, to not get overloaded with signal information

  • ✅ Natively integrate your CRM with Connect to see detailed business information about new companies directly within your CRM

    📌 Pro Tip: Native integration speeds up qualification time by displaying all information within the one app

  • ✅ Use the Trigger Events>Job Offers filter in Target to find prospects who are currently understaffed in areas your business operates in

    📌 Pro Tip: As an alternative to hiring a new employee, prospective companies may be able to fill this gap with an efficient service or software. Reach out to see!

Sales: Competitor Tracking

  • ✅ Import a list of your competitors, use the Dealfront AI Tools to perform a cluster analysis and identify more similar companies

    📌 Pro Tip: The more competitors you're aware of, the better you can solidify your place in the market

  • ✅ Using a competitor list, set up a Connect Alert looking for relevant Signals at these companies
    📌 Pro Tip: Signals help you to keep an eye on positive and negative markers in your industry. You could be looking for 'Merger and Acquisitions', 'Awards', 'Change in Customer Numbers', 'New Major Contract/Customer'

Marketing: Outreach, Competitor Analysis

  • ✅ Import a list of top recipients of your email marketing campaigns, use the Dealfront AI Tools to perform a cluster analysis and identify more similar companies. Filter by job title/department to find the most suitable new contacts

    📌 Pro Tip: With new contacts it's your responsibility to adhere to any privacy laws related to outreaching to these. Dealfront legally sources company and contact details, however we aren't responsible for how you choose to use this data

  • ✅ Import a list of current customers, use the Dealfront AI Tools to identify additional similar companies. Set up a Connect Alert looking for relevant Signals at these companies
    📌 Pro Tip: Signals help you to keep an eye on positive and negative markers in your industry. You could be looking for 'Awards' or 'New Major Contract/Customer'

  • ✅ Save newly identified prospective companies in Target to a List to be able to further filter this list or open the companies in Connect
    📌 Pro Tip: Saved searches contain dynamic results, saved lists contain static results. To get the best quality contact results in Target, use the Profile Completeness filter to choose which data points need to be there

  • ✅ Import your own outreach list and enrich the data through Datacare
    📌 Pro Tip: Reduce the quantity of out of date data and improve your bounce rate by regularly auditing your data

  • ✅ Import a list of your current customers and filter by this when looking for new prospects to outreach to
    📌 Pro Tip: When filtering by a list in Target you can both Include or Exclude the data in this list. You can use the Exclude feature to reduce the risk of mistakenly adding existing customers to your new prospect outreach list


These examples apply best to internal/in-house recruiters.

  • ✅ Set up a Connect Alert for Signals: Job Offers
    📌 Pro Tip: You could also enable alerts for the signals 'Team Expansion', 'Staff Cuts' and 'Change of Management' for a wider picture of what's going on

  • ✅ Run a Website Search in Target, searching for specific recruitment-related content

    📌 Pro Tip: Apply multiple search filters to narrow down your results to your ICP or audiences of highest interest

Investor Opportunities

  • ✅ Create a list of key accounts in Target using the Industry Filter, searching for those related to 'venture capitalist' style activities, save these accounts to a list

    📌 Pro Tip: Add multiple sub-industries to your search, don't limit yourself to just the one

  • ✅ Set up a Connect Alert for the 'venture capitalist' list you've created in Target. Get alerted to key industry news for these companies
    📌 Pro Tip: You could also set an alert for the 'Mergers and Acquisitions signal, to find out instantly when changes happen


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